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Health & Safety
We take a refreshing approach to managing Health & Safety. We believe in common sense solutions and easy to follow procedures. We specialise in Health & Safety services for care homes, music festivals, hotels, and food businesses. Below is a list of the Health & Safety services we provide. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Health & Safety Auditing & Support Package
If you require ongoing support, guidance and reassurance that you are on the right track, look no further. Our 'Auditing and Support Package' includes:
An agreed number of audits per year to identify areas for improvement and highlight examples of good practice.
Verbal report followed by a detailed written report of findings for each audit visit.
Advice and guidance on health and safety matters on request, as and when you need it.
Helpline Monday - Friday (9.00 - 17.30)
Liaison with enforcement authorities should a tricky situation arise.

Health & Safety Audits
Think of these as being a health check-up for your business. Periodically throughout the year we will: assess the premises for hazards and risks; look at the documented systems in place and check whether they are being followed; review the safety inspections and reports provided by external contractors; and, consider whether staff are appropriately trained. The audits identify any legal non-compliances, make recommendations for improvements, and highlight areas of good practice.
Risk Assessments
What are the hazards specific to your business activities? What level of risk is posed by those hazards (high, medium or low)? And what control measures can we put in place to mitigate those risks? By working together, using our technical expertise and your knowledge of the business activities, we will provide you with risk assessments that are uncomplicated, understandable, and that use a common sense approach.

Accident Investigations
When accidents occur, they highlight shortcomings in the safety arrangements already in place. Investigating an accident provides valuable information that can be used to help prevent similar recurring accidents. As well as identifying improvements to be made, our involvement in an investigation will provide the injured person/s and enforcement authorities with confidence that your business takes accidents seriously, and that you are committed to taking reasonable steps to prevent future incidents.
Policies and Procedures
These set out your commitment to providing a safe work environment. They set out roles and responsibilities, organisation and arrangements, risk assessments, your company policies on the different aspects of health and safety (accidents, first aid etc.), and the procedures put in place to help maintain a safe environment and healthy workforce. Our Policies and Procedures will always be bespoke to your business activities, designed to minimise unnecessary paperwork and record keeping and written in a way that is easy to understand.

Fire Risk Assessments
As the responsible person for a premises, you are duty bound to assess the risks from fire, and document your findings if you employ five or more people. Our detailed assessments look at what you need to do to prevent fire and keep people safe, means of preventing the spread of fire, methods for raising the alarm, fire escape routes, emergency lighting, fire fighting equipment, emergency evacuation, and staff training. Our professional assessor has decades of experience working as a fire officer and risk assessing all types of commercial premises.
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